University Documents

Annual work plan of the Center for International Cooperation and Alumni of the International University of Brcko
Decision of the Council on the formation of the Center for International Cooperation and Alumni of the International University of Brcko
Regulations on disciplinary responsibility of students
Regulations on preparation and defense and assessment of final work
Regulations on international mobility of the International University of Brcko in the Brcko district of Bosnia and Herzegovina
Regulatins on ensuring and improving the quality assurance system at the International University Brcko district
Regulations on the work of the Alumni Organization of the International University in Brcko
Regulations on the content of the diploma and diploma supplement issued by the International University
Regulations on distance learning of the International University of Brcko District BiH
Study regulations for the second cycle of studies at the University of Brcko
Study regulations for the third degree of studies
Guide for the first cycle of studies - undergraduate studies
Decision on the fulfillment of the conditions for the establishment and start of work of a higher education institution - License, work permit and first accreditation
Decision on registration in 2011
Decision on registration in the State Register of accredited higher education institutions in Bosnia and Herzegovina
Amendment to the Statute of the International University of Brcko District of Bosnia and Herzegovina
Statute of the International University Brcko - consolidated text
Instructions for preparing a master's thesis and doctoral dissertation - master's and doctoral studies
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